Our story

Project Bezalel’s single goal is to see Jesus’s name honoured across the globe through creative arts. We are on a passionate journey to seeing the world engaging with biblical texts along side visuals that are graphic in nature allowing the reader to immerse into these visuals with meditative mind-set. We believe this graphic interpretation will be the first of its kind to narrate entire Bible with visuals supporting all scriptures unaltered. We would love whoever is reading this to pray for us that we will honour God through this project. Amen

How it all started?

About 15 years ago I started going to this church called Holy Trinity Brompton (www.htb.org) in London. I was not the best of people in many forms I would say, infested with several addictions that seemed to get me into more trouble than needed all the time, I had split up with my partner at that time causing her a lot of unwanted pain and suffering. A close person at that time brought me to this church (Maybe she would have prayed for me to herself – Never know). Almost every Sunday morning I would sit in the balcony wondering why am I here? I could not associate with anything that was going on. The music, the worship, the bread and wine all seemed alien to me and I must say I was hating all of that deep inside. To make things’ worst I had been brought up as a Hindu believing in Bhagwad Gita all my life till that point. After almost a year of going to this church along with this person, I started to get curious about Bible and specifically about Jesus as a character.

In 2010 winter I signed up to attend Alpha (www.alpha.org) – It is over 10 weeks programme organised as a series of sessions. Each session started with a meal, followed by a talk and then discussion in small groups. The talks aimed to cover the basic questions of life, Christian faith, our purpose. This was one of the best times I have had all my life in retrospect, I would go back home having more questions and further confusion. During this period after seventh week, there was a retreat we all went to near Chichester. In that retreat on that Saturday evening I met with God. I felt this overwhelming love and forgiveness after somebody praying over me. That was the beginning of new life – I came back almost miraculously got healed from all my addictions over night and never went back to any of them till date. I believe Holy Spirit is guarding me day in and day out, Amen. 

I got baptised few weeks later and started studying theology to understand God’s character better at St. Mellitus College on part-time basis (https://stmellitus.ac.uk/). During this time, I took few weeks off work, travelling to Japan. All through my trip I was praying and seeking to God to use my talents for his kingdom. One evening while I was in a train from Tokyo to Yokohama, I felt the Holy Spirit telling me to draw the Bible. I came back for several months did not dare to do anything about it, but, every time I prayed I could sense Holy Spirit asking me to get started. That is when ‘Project Bezalel’ was born. 

The name was inspired from Exodus 35:30-33, 30 Then Moses said to the Israelites, “See, the Lord has chosen Bezalel son of Uri, the son of Hur, of the tribe of Judah, 31 and he has filled him with the Spirit of God, with wisdom, with understanding, with knowledge and with all kinds of skills 32 to make artistic designs of work in gold, silver and bronze, 33 to cut and set stones, to work in the wood and to engage in all kinds of artistic crafts. Bezalel was the first person to be filled with Holy Spirit in the Bible before even any prophets, saints or others, God’s heart to making the world beautiful over already what he had created is part of his vision. We hope to live up to Jesus’s vision through Project Bezalel.

What to expect in 2023

We are working towards setting up Project Bezalel's prayer and meditation app by December in the form of limited edition soft launch for first 100 users. Our plan for 2024 is to go with a full launch for the app users. This app intends to use the artwork in this store in an animated form to help users whilst praying, meditating over God’s word.